ld_config_s struct

Public variables

char* host
LDAP server to connect to.
int protocol_version
LDAP protocol version we require from server.
char* base_dn
Base dn to bind with.
char* username
Name of the user we connect as. Can be NULL.
char* password
Password for the said user. Can be NULL.
bool simple_bind
We can use two type of bind simple and interactive. Use true for simple and false otherwise.
bool use_tls
If we need to establish a TLS or SSL connection.
bool use_sasl
If we use SASL protocol.
bool use_anon
If we are going to perform "anonymous bind".
int timeout
Operation timeout. Once we reach specified limit current operation fails.
char* cacertfile
Defines the complete path to a CA certificate, which is utilized for validating the server's presented certificate.
char* certfile
Client certificate file path.
char* keyfile
Private key file associated with client certificate.