- struct csm_state_value_t
- struct ld_config_s
- struct ld_entry_s ld_entry_t - Structure holds LDAP entry information.
- struct ldap_connection_config_t
- struct ldap_connection_ctx_t
- struct ldap_global_context_t ldap_
global_ - One of the contexts associated with LDHandle.context_ t - struct ldap_request_t
- struct ldap_sasl_defaults_t
- struct ldap_sasl_options_t
- struct ldap_sasl_params_t
- struct ldap_schema_t The ldap_
schema_ struct - Represents LDAP schema.t - struct ldap_search_request_t
- struct LDAPAttribute_s LDAPAttribute_t Structure represents LDAP attribute.
- struct ldhandle
- struct option_value_t
- struct Queue_Node_s Queue_
Node_ - A queue node.s - struct request_queue
- struct state_machine_ctx_t state_
machine_ - Struct represents connection state machine.ctx_ t